Conversation Tracking: Getting Notified About New Comments On Reddit And Hacker News

Reddit and Hacker News are full of interesting conversations, but keeping track of specific threads can be challenging as these platform do not provide real-time notifications for new comments. Enter, a tool that sends you instant alerts whenever a new comment is posted, ensuring you never miss out on the latest updates in your favorite discussions.

Reddit and Hacker News

Why Track Conversations on Reddit and Hacker News?

Real-time alerts for new comments on Reddit and Hacker News discussions can be extremely useful for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for a dynamic and engaging interaction with the ongoing conversation, enabling users to respond promptly to new points, arguments, or information. This real-time interaction can lead to a more vibrant discussion, where ideas are exchanged and debated in a fluid manner.

Secondly, it helps users stay informed about the latest developments in a topic they are interested in, ensuring they don't miss out on any crucial updates or insights. This is particularly useful in fast-moving discussions or when seeking the most current information.

Lastly, real-time alerts can foster a sense of community and connection among users, as they feel more actively involved in the discussion and can engage with others in a timely manner. This can enhance the overall Reddit and Hacker News experiences, making them more interactive and engaging.

How Notifies You In Real Time About New Comments On Reddit And Hacker News

By default, Reddit sends you notifications about new comments made on your own posts or comments, but unfortunately it does not allow you to get notified when new comments are added to other conversations.

As far as Hacker News is concerned, it does not send you any notification, even on your own threads.

These limitations can be daunting...

This is when comes into play! Our platform monitors any Reddit or Hacker News conversation for you and sends you real-time alerts when new comments are added.

You can either track a post or a specific comment within a post. If you track a post, you will receive an alert for every new comment added to the post. If you track a specific comment in a post, you will receive notifications for every new comments added below that comment, but you won't be notified for other comments added to the original post.

Tracking a Conversation on Reddit Tracking a Conversation on Reddit

Tracking a Conversation on Hacker News Tracking a Conversation on Hacker News

Combining Keyword Monitoring and Conversation Tracking is a social listening platform that allows you to receive alerts when specific keywords are mentioned on Reddit and Hacker News.

Combining keyword monitoring and conversation tracking can be very powerful. Consider the following scenario: you might want to be notified about every comment related to your Brand on Reddit and Hacker News, even if some comments do not contain your brand name. So first you'll create an alert on to be notified when your brand is mentioned. Once you receive an alert, if the conversation seems interesting, you can simply ask to track the conversation for you and receive updates for every subsequent comments!

Frequently asked questions

Does Reddit notify me about new comments?

No, Reddit does not notify you about new comments, except if you were the author of the parent post or comment. In order to get notified about any comment on Reddit, you should use

Does Hacker News notify me about new comments?

No, Hacker News does not notify you about new comments. In order to get notified about any comment on Hacker News, you should use

Do you monitor Reddit and Hacker News in real-time?

Yes, you will get a notification instantly when someone adds a new comment on Reddit or Hacker News.

Do you monitor both posts and comments on Reddit and Hacker News?

Yes, we monitor both posts and comments on Reddit and Hacker News. If you decide to track a post, you will be notified for every new comment in this post, and if you decide to track a specific comment, you will only be notified for new comments below that comment.

How can I receive an email alert when a new comment is added to a specific conversation on Reddit or Hacker News?

Simply declare the URL of the conversation you want to monitor on Reddit or Hacker News and you will automatically receive an email alert when a new comment is added to that conversation.

How can I receive a Slack alert when a new comment is added to a specific conversation on Reddit or Hacker News?

Simply declare the URL of the conversation you want to monitor on Reddit or Hacker News, and a Slack webhook URL pointing to your preferred Slack channel. Then you will automatically receive a Slack notification when a new comment is added to that conversation.

How can I receive an alert through API webhook when a new comment is added to a specific conversation on Reddit or Hacker News?

Simply declare the URL of the conversation you want to monitor on Reddit or Hacker News, and an API webhook URL pointing to your own system. Then you will automatically receive an API webhook when a new comment is added to that conversation.

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